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Upon completing The Gina Badhen Academy,

3 & 5 Day Professional course students are certificate accredited.


This certificate will qualify students to join The Gina Badhen Agency  to be branded and advertised as senior artists.

Graduates from this particular course will be given a head start when offered work experience programmes with our associating magazines and put forward for paid client bookings.

Graduated pro artists will be advertised on the agency website

Gina Badhen launched her very own Makeup Artist Agency in 2012 in response to the overwhelming demand for her own acclaimed services and to build a community of professionals focussed on delivering high quality, best practices and excellent service.

Our Senior Artists have been trained by Gina Badhen personally to the highest standards, and Gina continually mentors these exceptional individuals

to build on their existing skills and talents. This support is all offered at no extra booking or joining cost, and there is no commission taken from make-up artist bookings. This is sincerely an artist programme set up to support and guide our artists towards a prosperous career.

Senior Artist's represented by the Agency benefit from our in house team branding and global brand notoriety. As an unknown artist is can be difficult to gain exposure but all of our artists trained and working closely with Gina and her team are given a platform to showcase their talent and portfolio as successful artists in their own right. Client's are reassured by the agency to expect the same professionalism, quality and reliability that Gina's brand is known for. 

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